Briess CBW stands for Concentrated Brewers Wort, which is exactly what these brewer's grade, pure malt extracts are—concentrates of brewers wort. After lautering, the wort is gently vacuum evaporated to maintain its rich, full flavor and lessen color development. We use a multiple step infusion brewing process for high fermentability and FAN, which is critical for brewing.
Because they're made in the U.S.A. and spared the harsh conditions of transoceanic travel, CBWs are also the freshest malt extracts available. And they're all malt, so you preserve the "all malt" character of your brew.
Briess CBW® malt extracts get all of their color and flavor from base and specialty malts, never through additional boiling. CBW malt extracts are unhopped and nondiastatic for flexible, creative brewing. Or realize these benefits of supplementing all grain brews with CBW® pure malt extracts:
- Increase capacity and boosting productivity
- Boost gravity
- Improve body and head retention
- Propagate yeast
- Minor flavor adjustment
- Adjust color
- Adjust flavor
More information on each can be found here.
Briess Pale Ale
Lovibond | Flavor | Ingredients |
6° | Rich malty, hints of biscuit and nuts |
100% Pale Ale Malt |
Briess Munich
Lovibond | Flavor | Ingredients |
8° | Rich malty, biscuity |
50% Base Malt 50% Munich Malt |
Briess Pilsen Light
Lovibond | Flavor | Ingredients |
2° | Subtle malty | 99% Pilsen Malt 1% Carapils® Malt |
Briess Golden Light
Lovibond | Flavor | Ingredients |
4° | Malty | 99% Base Malt 1% Carapils® Malt |
Briess Sparkling Amber
Lovibond | Flavor | Ingredients |
11° | Sweet, malty, caramel |
Proprietary |
Briess Traditional Dark
Lovibond | Flavor | Ingredients |
36° | Sweet, intense malty |
54% Munich Malt 10L |
Briess Bavarian Wheat
Lovibond | Flavor | Ingredients |
3° | Wheat flour, malty |
65% Wheat Malt 35% Base Malt |